Image result for swami om

There are all the funny videos and interviews with SWAMI OM and his funniest way of talking and  what he talk that  will make you laugh , he is now more funny than Kapil Sharma.                    Self-proclaimed godman Swami Om is no stranger to controversy. Neither is he a stranger to violence on television. Well, in this case, the tables turned on the former Bigg Boss 10 contestant as he was called as a chief guest at an event in the Capital, and ended up being beaten up by the organisers. So much so, that his wig came off, and the man walked out of the premises in a huff, fake hair in hand!

The incident took place at an event celebrating Nathu Ram Godse’s birth anniversary in Delhi’s Vikas Nagar, where Swami Om was called as a chief guest – a fact that irked many present, especially a woman, who raised her voice against the inclusion and felicitation of a man who has made lewd and controversial remarks against women on several public platforms. In spite of the organisers attempting to silence the lady, it wasn’t to be.


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                                      SWAMI OM's BOOK

                  Om Swami: As We Know Him  

                           Om Swami: As We Know Him by [Tandon, Ismita, Vidyananda Om, Swami]  

The Ancient Science of Mantras

The mystical energy of mantras is as intact today as it was thousands of years ago. All you need to know is how to invoke a mantra. And, this is exactly what this book is about.
In a never-before work, veering from the ancient tradition of guru-disciple secrecy, Himalayan ascetic and bestselling author Om Swami bares all the essentials and fundamentals of invoking the sonic energy of mantras for material and spiritual fulfillment.
Drawing on his decades of first-hand experiences and intense practice on the path of mantra sadhana, with his characteristic simplicity and humor, Om Swami explains:
  • The origin of mantras and their application today
  • Why and how mantras work
  • How to choose a mantra and invoke it
  • How to succeed in mantra sadhana without a human guru
  • Everything else you need to know about mantra yoga
The Ancient Science of Mantras, magnificent and easy-to-read, is your ultimate guide to self-transformation. Brimming with wisdom, anecdotes and his experiences, the sadhanas given here have been practiced and verified by Swami. An indispensable companion on your spiritual journey.

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The Last GambitThe Last Gambit
Success by design is infinitely better than a win by chance.
Vasu Bhatt is fourteen years old when a mysterious old man spots him at a chess tournament and offers to coach him, on two simple but strange conditions: he would not accompany his student to tournaments, and there was to be no digging into his past. Initially resentful, Vasu begins to gradually understand his master’s mettle.
Over eight years, master and student come to love and respect each other, but the two conditions remain unbroken – until Vasu confronts and provokes the old man. Meanwhile, their hard work and strategy pay off: Vasu qualifies for the world chess championship. But can he make it all the way without his master by his side?
Inspiring, moving and mercurial, The Last Gambit is a beautiful coming of age tale in a uniquely Indian context.
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A Million Thoughts

A Million Thoughts

Can you learn swimming without ever jumping into water?
Probably not. For two decades, I meditated on sounds, on forms, on breath, on the formless. In cities, cremation grounds, secluded spots and abandoned temples. I relentlessly experimented with tantric, sonic, visual, Hindu and Buddhist systems of meditation.
I came to the realization that flawless and intense practice built over time is the only way to succeed in meditation. Just doing incorrect meditation everyday does not bring even an iota of change, forget the real rewards of meditation and yogic feats associated with it.
Based on my thousands of hours of strenuous meditation, here’s a text that tells you everything you need to know about meditation. This book shows you how to meditate correctly, various styles of meditation and many yogic practices leading you to the final stage of samadhi.
Replete with ancient and contemporary references, first hand experiences, A Million Thoughts is most suited for the modern reader who wishes to master the art of meditation for a better life.

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Om Swami: As We Know Him

Om Swami: As We Know Him

Everything I thought to be true about life, its meaning was challenged after meeting Swami. It was reduced to dust. Soon I had to admit that there were things far beyond the scope of my rational mind. 
What is it that draws one to a mystic? What is it like to know at close quarters a man whose powers are beyond the conscious mind? What does it feel like to be fulfilled spiritually, to feel understood, to stand revealed?
As Ismita Tandon and Swami Vidyananda Om explore their feelings for Om Swami, their baffling experiences with him, a secret world of mystical phenomena lights up. They talk about the intimacy of their daily lives with Swami, observing his sheer power, his simplicity, his empathy for every living creature he encounters and the care with which he chooses every word he speaks, no matter how big or small the matter. They speak of his beauty, his divinity.
What emerges is a moving portrait of devotion and trust and the startling image of a saint who was able to inspire such depth of feeling
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Kundalini: An Untold Story

Kundalini: An Untold Story

You don’t have to be a monk to enter the ultimate realm of happiness! Yes, it’s true.
In his book Kundalini – An Untold Story, Himalayan ascetic Om Swami unveils the enigmatic story of kundalini, the formless aspect of the Goddess or your primordial energy. With workable steps for awakening this energy source, the author explains the esoteric and practical meaning of kundalini and the seven chakras in his usual humorous style. These riveting anecdotes are based on his personal experience gained from years of intense meditation. Take an awe-inspiring journey – something no other book on spirituality can offer – from the origins of kundalini all the way to Swami’s own sadhana in the modern age.
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When All Is Not Well

When All Is Not Well

‘I’ve heard so many people tell those who suffer from depression to just “cheer up”. Do they really believe it’s that simple?’ Depression isn’t just sadness. It is misery. It is both pain and nothingness. People don’t ‘have’ depression, they suffer from it.
Millions of people are diagnosed with depression, billions of dollars are spent on antidepressants and on depression-related research. Yet we are no closer to making a real difference to the quality of life of the patients. Ayurvedic and yogic texts call depression ‘vishada’, a toxic state of mind. They consider it an illness, a disability – but one that is curable. In a profoundly insightful work that draws from these texts, mystic and healer Om Swami categorizes depression into three types, each of which requires a different approach. Bringing yogic wisdom and ayurvedic knowledge to case studies from his own files, the author covers a range of options from medication to specialized meditation. When All Is Not Well will leave you with a new perspective on depression and sadness.
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If Truth Be Told

If Truth Be Told

In the 1990s, an eighteen-year-old headed to Australia to realize his worldly dreams. With little money or support, he struggled to survive there. Two years later, he was earning an annual income of $250,000; by the age of twenty-six, he was a multimillionaire. Yet, worldly success was merely a way station on a journey that began years ago. As an eight-year-old, he saw a vision of God in a dream, an experience that left him with a sense of deep joy and peace. The dream triggered off his desire to meet God, to see a manifestation of the Divine.
He practised astrology, intense meditation and tantra, yet God was nowhere in sight. Deeply frustrated, he dived into materialistic pursuits to distract himself from the restlessness within. After years of living the good life, he found he could no longer ignore the old restlessness; worldly pleasures just couldn’t fill the void within. He moved back to India and finally did what he had always yearned to do: renounce the world and become a monk.
In the Himalayas, in terrifying silence and solitude, Om Swami practised intense meditation. Death was always close as he confronted starvation, the fierce elements and wild animals. Finally, his sadhana brought him to the ultimate realization: ‘I am what I have been seeking.’ This is an astounding memoir of the making of a spiritual life in today’s challenging and often confusing times. If Truth Be Told: A Monk’s Memoir will light up your path, wherever you are on your life’s journey.
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The Wellness Sense

The Wellness Sense

Why do certain foods harm some people and help others? How come the results of a weight loss program varies from individual to individual? And why do some people fall sick more often than others? The science of Ayurveda holds answers to these questions and many more. Its scriptures took a holistic approach to health by combining our lifestyle with our natural tendencies (which vary from one person to another).
This groundbreaking new work from Om Swami combines the yogic view of food as sattvic, rajasic and tamasic with Ayurvedic perspective and further relates it to the modern view of foods as acidic and alkaline. This is also the first time that Ayurvedic prakriti (vata, pitta and kapha) has been discussed in the context of yogic prakriti (sattvic, rajasic and tamasic) in a truly cohesive fashion. The Wellness Sense extracts the essence of Ayurveda, yoga and tantra to combine it with modern medicine in this simple, step-by-step handbook on how to take better care of yourself. Accessibly written, deeply researched and distilled from Om Swami’s own lived experience, The Wellness Sense puts your health and happiness in your hands.
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A Fistful of Love

A Fistful of Love

A man was sitting with his friends in a local inn. After a couple of drinks, he asked his friends, “Do you love me?” “Of course, we do,” they replied. “So do you know what I need?” No one answered.
“If you don’t know what I need then how can you say you love me?”
To love and to be loved is the most basic human need. No wonder we are attracted to people who give us attention, care about us, and love us. Yet, love also remains the greatest challenge in most relationships. Why?
A Fistful of Love is a collection of insightful, thought-provoking nuggets of wisdom appreciated by millions around the world. This book is full of humor and narratives most beautifully woven into learnings of life that will make you stop and think.
A must read.


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